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Component Reconditioning Center

with a Pan-African Focus

International Standard Reconditioning to Revitalize Older Components

Our Component Reconditioning Center (CRC), spanning over 1600m2, is dedicated to reconditioning Caterpillar parts for the mining, construction, oil and gas, marine, and energy sectors.

The CRC aims to provide operators across the African continent with reconditioned parts that offer performance equivalent to new parts at a significantly lower cost and can benefit from the manufacturer's warranty.


Investment in the CRC


Components Annual Reconditioning Capacity

18 Zones

Dedicated to Each Phase of the Reconditioning Process


CRC Surface Area

Engine Testing Benches

With a Capacity of up to 4250 Horsepower

State-of-the-art Equipment and Specialized Technicians

State-of-the-art Equipment and Specialized Technicians at Your Service

Our component reconditioning center offers a complete range of services, from disassembly to refurbishment, testing, and finishing.

We provide highly specialized technicians and state-of-the-art equipment to ensure quality standards that meet Caterpillar's requirements.


Benefits of Reconditioning

  • Excellent Value for Money: Reconditioned components offering performance equivalent to new parts
  • Diagnostic, repair, and refurbishment operations in compliance with Caterpillar standards
  • Components tested before delivery according to Caterpillar recommendations
  • Extended warranty coverage
  • Minimized environmental impact through reconditioning end-of-life components

For Which Components?

    A suitable test bench for engines of small and large power:
    • DS4012-HS Engine Dynamometer, 4250hp (3169kW)
    • TD-3100 Engine Dynamometer, 1250hp (932kW)
    A CAT 9U-5000 SSAHT Series hydraulic test bench with a drive power of up to 150hp at 950rpm for 60Hz (130hp at 700rpm for 50Hz) for rotary transmissions and pumps.
  • BUT ALSO...
    Transmissions, converters, reducers, and more.

Contact our Tractafric experts

Find the ideal reconditioning solution by contacting our team of specialists. They are ready to assist you in overcoming your daily challenges.

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